Thursday, August 6, 2009


Laughter can hide all your anguish inside..

Once I've read the poem by maningning miclat. I started to ask why is it entitled laughter though its about sorrow and pain. That's why I arrive to the conclusion that maybe the author had pain inside while doing this, the title has its opposite meaning to the poem, it uses irony.. For me, the author was broken and left by someone but she can only hide the pain by just a laughter. The undescribable feeling inside, the continous aching of vain in her heart, no one can describe it because she show the pain through laughter. After I read the poem I also feel the pain of the author. She laugh to overcome the pain.
This poem is not that confusing once you have read it, you can easily tell what this poem wants to convey.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Memories put in the trash

Once swept, reject by the past

Mocking my tormented heart

Pleading for immediate glance

-joan ;)

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Ending up Where She Began..

Victim of the society in her poverty and being a woman..
I was disappointed when I've finished reading the story. Rosa's innocence made her a bit ignorant.. She doesn't even notice that she became a victim of her own fantasy.. Her vows not to step again in the cruel mistress house was broken because she submits to the sweet temptation offered by the possibilities of love.. well thats love, when you feel it you will not escape it even you became stupid about it.. But still I like her being a down to earth woman, inspite of all the pain she experienced with her mistress, she forget about it and still back on the miserable life again..

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Writers in English in the Postwar Period...

Carlos Bulosan

Once I’ve read the life of Carlos Bulosan, I was inspired, because of the struggle he experienced in his life, the discrimination he felt make him stand on his feet alone. He left the country to find the salvation of the economic depression of his home. He arrived in Seattle where in there he forces to work in low paying jobs than being a jobless one. In many years of discrimination, he undergoes the surgery of tuberculosis and in the hospital for two years; he took the advantage of reading one book per day. It really amazed me because overall he read 365

books in a year. For this he became the voice concerning the struggles of Filipinos, he lives in. I learned that we can all be famous in our own ways, even those who are illiterate that cannot afford studying in schools can be successful.

(Source: Bulosan. 30 April 2009 at 00:38..


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Bienvenido Santos

Life of Bienvenido Santos was totally a different Story compared to Carlos Bulosan who can’t afford studying in schools. But then Santos is really a good writer because he studied in different known universities in united states where as he is also a scholar there. He also studied in University of the Philippines where he received the bachelor degree. He received several Palanca awards for his stories; also receive doctorate degree in humanities. He is so admiring huh What I have learned in his life is that we need to strive harder to achieve our goals and give much effort on it, life is really difficult, we should be serious about it. Life is challenging us to learn that every single effort we give, after all it has a price. We can also pursue our dreams if we love what we are doing so.

(Source: Santos. 16 June 2009 at 08:37.


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